Sunday, June 23, 2013


"This day the earth became Heaven for us. Not because the stars descended from the heavens to earth, but because the apostles ascended to Heaven by the grace of the Holy Spirit, which was now abundantly poured forth, and so the whole world was transformed into heaven; not because human nature was changed, but because there was a change in the direction of the will.

For there was found a tax-gatherer, and he was transformed into an evangelist.  There was found a persecutor, and he was changed into an apostle.  There was found a robber, and he was into Paradise.  There was found a prostitute, and she was made the equal of virgins.  There were found wise men, and they were taught the Gospels. 

Evil fled away, and gentleness took its place.  Slavery was put away, and freedom came in its stead.  And all debts were forgiven, and the grace of God was conferred.  Therefore Heaven became earth; and from repeating this again and again I shall not cease." 

St. John Crysostom 


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