1- I place my soul into your hands, my Lord Jesus Christ
Lead me cause I depend on you, lead me and I'll serve you
Please be my guide in every way, be my guard I won't go astray
Sanctify my hearts and my needs, until I see you Lord
R- As you have always said O source of all goodness
Come unto me O you weary, Come on to me and you'll find rest
Come onto me I am the Way, I am the Truth and Life
2- When my life gets filled with worries and darkness overwhelms
The clouds will be dispersed away by you O Prince of Peace
You are my shield you are my hope, you are my strength you are my goal
You are the perfect love O Lord, of whom than shall I fear
3- You are my shepherd I'll not want, lead me to still waters
Restore my soul I'm calling you, lead me to righteousness
Though I walk through the Death Valley, with you I will fear no evil
You are my comfort staff and rod, all the days of my life
4- Come take your cross and follow me, Fear not I am with thee
Cheer up I've overcome the world, your tears I'll wipe away
I showed you my love on the cross, and if your faithful unto death
I will give you eternal life, come now and follow me
Lead me cause I depend on you, lead me and I'll serve you
Please be my guide in every way, be my guard I won't go astray
Sanctify my hearts and my needs, until I see you Lord
R- As you have always said O source of all goodness
Come unto me O you weary, Come on to me and you'll find rest
Come onto me I am the Way, I am the Truth and Life
2- When my life gets filled with worries and darkness overwhelms
The clouds will be dispersed away by you O Prince of Peace
You are my shield you are my hope, you are my strength you are my goal
You are the perfect love O Lord, of whom than shall I fear
3- You are my shepherd I'll not want, lead me to still waters
Restore my soul I'm calling you, lead me to righteousness
Though I walk through the Death Valley, with you I will fear no evil
You are my comfort staff and rod, all the days of my life
4- Come take your cross and follow me, Fear not I am with thee
Cheer up I've overcome the world, your tears I'll wipe away
I showed you my love on the cross, and if your faithful unto death
I will give you eternal life, come now and follow me