
Monday, March 10, 2014

The Virtue of Gentleness

Gentleness was one of the most outstanding virtues in the life of H.H. Pope Kyrillos VI.  Fr. Raphael Ava Mina told us this incident that showed his great gentleness. It happened one day that the Patriarchate received a letter that has had words against H.H.  Fr. Raphael was the one who read the letter to H.H. He opened that letter but quickly hid it. 

His Holiness noticed that and asked him: "Why did you hide this letter?"  So Fr. Raphael answered: "Your Holiness, one has a sharp tongue and is also swearing!"  But H.H. insisted on reading the letter.  After he read it, H.H. said to him: "Is that what you call swearing?"  Fr. Raphael was amazed and said: "Of course, your Holiness, all these sharp words!"  But H.H. with all gentleness, said: "Do not worry about it, my son. May be God will look at me and save me!"

The sender of that letter was known to them. One of his relatives passed away and H.H. sent one of the bishops to offer Condolences on behalf of H.H.  It was the custom at that time that whoever receives courtesy from the Pope would come to the Patriarchate and record a few words of thanks in the visitor register.  So this man came and Fr. Raphael asked him if he would like to meet the Pope personally. The man was embarrassed, apologized and left in a hurry.

In the evening, H.H. heard that this man came to the Patriarchate.  H.H. asked Fr. Raphael: "Why didn't you tell me that this man came today?!"  Fr. Raphael explained what happened, so H.H. replied: "You should have left him and came to me immediately so I could have went down and reconciled with him."

This is the gentleness of Pope Kyrillos VI who never met evil with evil but defeated evil by doing good, as it is said in the Holy Bible.  This story was told by Fr. Raphael Ava Mina himself.

May the blessing of Pope Kyrillos VI be with us all Amen. 


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