
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Looking For God - St. Augustine

Looking For God

my God,
my one hope,
hear me,
that I be not unwilling, through weariness,
to seek you,
but that I may always ardently seek your face.

Give me the strength to seek,
since you have made me in order to find you,
and you have given me the hope to finding you more and more. 

My strength and my weakness are known to you:
Preserve the one
and heal the other.

My knowledge and my ignorance are known to you:
where you have opened to me,
receive me as I enter;
where you have closed to me,
open to me as I knock.

May I remember you,
understand you,
love you.

Increase these things in me
Until you have wholly renewed me.

~ St. Augustine ~


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